Pastor Valentine Anthony-Wise

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  • Pastor Valentine Anthony-Wise

Pastor Valentine Anthony-Wise is a visionary, a preacher of the word, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He is fondly called “Pastor Val” and is known for his servant’s heart and leadership skills. Called to the ministry in 2008, Pastor Val is passionate about helping others develop to their fullest potential and skills. He believes that everyone is gifted by God, that is why the vision of this ministry is to “Discover the gift of God in you, Empower the gift and Release it to fulfill your God ordained purpose.” His love and openess to people of all tribe, race and nation has helped shape his commitment to showcasing a ministry where people of all racial and ethnic groups worship God in a loving and caring atmosphere.

Pastor Val is married to Oyebimpe Anthony-Wise (co-pastor) also fondly called “Pastor Bim” and they are blessed with three gifted and Spirit filled children, Adaeze, Chidera and Okenna.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)